Video series with Nadine Nurasyid

Episode 2 of Nadine's Huddle is now available

Nadine Nurasyid lächelt auf einem Kunstrasenplatz in die Kamera
Welcome back to Nadine's Huddle – the American Football format with Touchdown Munich ambassador Nadine Nurasyid! Join Nadine on her journey through Munich as she meets fascinating personalities from the football world. Next up is a true football multi-talent – Zoe Song. Since Flag Football alone isn't enough for her, she also plays Tackle Football for the Munich Cowboys Ladies. What a powerhouse!

Nadine Nurasyid talks to the next Football personality of Munich

In the second episode, Nadine interviews Flag Football national team player Zoe Song. In addition to the national team, Zoe also plays as a Defensive Back for the Munich Cowboys Ladies.

Zoe shares what challenges her most as both a Tackle and Flag Football player, and what still needs to improve for American Football to grow even more in and around Munich. Zoe is also competing in the Flag Football World Championship in Lahti, Finland. The team is currently preparing meticulously to ensure a successful tournament for Germany.

You can find all episodes of Nadine's Huddle on the official Touchdown Munich YouTube channel!

Nadine Nurasyid talks to Zoe Song during the interview

10 facts about Zoe

Full name: Zoe Kwandae Song

Jersey number: 82

Teams: Munich Cowboys Ladies (Tackle), German Flag Football National Team

Position: Defensive Back, Quarterback

Nationality: German

Hometown: Munich

Biggest success in sports: 3rd place at the European Championship in 2023 in Limerick, Ireland

Plays American Football since: 2016

Previous sports: Gymnastics

Hobbies: Hiking, Bouldering